Consistency is Key


I went on the internet and did screen captures of these images. They are beautiful images of meal prep from various companies selling plans. What I failed to see this morning were a variety of options. All of the images featured the exact same meal, for four, five and seven days of prep.

As a private chef charged with helping athletes and working professionals lose weight, one thing I share with you today, is consistency is key, however, variety is necessary to ensure the client stays engaged in the process. While I’m aware the purpose of meal prep is to save time, which means, producing the same meal in bulk, I’m also aware that cheating begins when boredom sets in!

Do yourself a favor and add variety to your meal prep regimen. If it normally takes you 45 minute to an hour to prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, add an additional 30 minutes and create different meals. Use the same protein, however, season with a new flavor or glaze. Switch up the type of lettuce you use for salads. Mix your veggies together to create a stir fry appearance. Over the course of four days, you should not be eating the same meal twice! You’ll thank me later!

Have an amazing day organizing your meals. I know you can be successful reaching your goals by simply adding variety to your regimen. If you feel stuck, perhaps nutritional consulting will help you achieve your goals. Click here for more information on nutritional consultations.

~Chef Courtney Brown